The Significance Of Identity In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

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have not realized the significance of identity and the ways values are affecting them. Regardless of this, individuals who struggle with their identity have taken action to protect themselves. When one is in question about one’s identity, they must evaluate the morals and beliefs that they carry to form their identity and build it to become bolder. Some have experiences from which they learn while other may not have had opportunities. Through literature many learn about other’s experiences and assess what they have valued and whether it is part of their identity. Unlike many, I have experienced and assimilated to my identity. Literature teaches us the value that holds in our identity. To many individuals literature helps find specific values that they have not realized before, for me literature taught me to appreciate my identity. The novel, The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri has shown me the strength in identity and how it can constrain one’s values to mold themselves to fit their identity. As Vishva said in book club, Gogol has become an independant new person as Nikhil after he changed his name. The nature of the two distinct names led to two well defined personalities. Nikhil was a separate …show more content…

Often we question, are we subconsciously longing for acceptance, and worry whether we hold different values and beliefs from others. In society, one must come to a realization where they stand in protecting their ethics. In We Should All Feminists, Adichie discussed the importance of being an individual. “We are all social beings. We internalize ideas from our socialization”. With Adichie 's role in society as a feminist, the effects on her identity, is shown when her opinions are often questioned by others. In society, one can only become greater when one is willing to take their opinions and convert them into one’s ethics. When one is clear about the morals that one carries, one will be able to create a powerful

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