The Significance Of Eros In The Fisher King

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Love is a funny thing. Love between two people is often confusing and hard to understand. Many people don’t know how or why we fall in love. Eros, in Greek mythology, refers to the god of love, and Eros is essentially the reason for love. Eros explains how people fall in love or why for that matter. The term Eros is used to refer to the part of love that constitutes an intense desire for something, often referenced to a particular sexual desire that one has toward another. Eros is a “now” feeling, or what the more common phrase would be which is “love at first sight.” Eros is all about the moment, about the feeling, the intensity right here, right now. The intense desire for immediate sexual and physical attraction, as well as intense passion …show more content…

One day about three years after the mass murder, Jack is working with his girlfriend Anne in a video store in a mostly drunken, depressed state, and one night he attempts suicide. Before he can do so, he is mistaken for a homeless person and is attacked and nearly set on fire by thugs. He is rescued by Parry, a deluded homeless man who is on a mission to find the Holy Grail, and tries to convince Jack to help him. Jack is initially reluctant, but comes to feel responsible for Parry when he learns that the man's condition is a result of witnessing his wife's murder at the hands of Jack's crazy caller. Then later in the movie Jack seeks to redeem himself by helping Parry find love again. He sets Parry up with Lydia, a shy woman, who works as an accountant for a Manhattan publishing house. Jack and Anne then join them for a dinner date. Following dinner, Parry declares his love for Lydia but is once again haunted by the Red Knight. As he flees his hallucinatory tormentor, the same thugs who had earlier attacked Jack attack him again. The beating is not fatal but causes Parry to become catatonic again. Jack breaks up with Anne and begins to rebuild his career. Eventually, after some time, Jack goes back to the video store and tells Anne that he loves her. She slaps him and then grabs him and kisses him. The film ends with Jack and Parry lying naked in Central Park looking at the clouds. In the end of the movie it doesn’t specifically say why Parry went back to Jack, but perhaps based on an instinct of an affinity for sexual desire. Why he left her originally is not specifically stated either. But it appears that Jack left Parry because he didn’t love her for her looks and sexual appearance and for this simple reason Jack still appeared to have Eros written all

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