The Short Story Amigos Brothers By Piri Thomas

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True friends won’t grow apart even when they don’t talk every day. “Says the artist Drake this means that the real friends who, although not everyday they speak , always go to be together they never separate. In the story ‘amigos brothers’ we see two friends who are competing with each other and do not want to lose their friendship. In the short story “amigos brothers” by Piri thomas, the characters one to win a champions, but there friendship is more important because they love boxing , the. Both trained to win and want to keep their friendship.

Antonio and Felix and Felix wanted to be winners of the boxing fight. In the story, Felix and Antonio that he was going to win the fight when they were about to separate so he would not see …show more content…

The story, Antonio also did not want to waste time talking to Felix talking about friendship he just wanted to fight with him to end this. Antonio nodded quietly “yeah we both know that in the ring the better man wins “. Like Antonio, he just want to win , but wants to win , but what he feels is that he is struggling with his best friend.

Similar to Ralph , the characters in by “ Amigos Brothers Piri thomas is that the two characters have an inseparable friendship and that it does not matter all the obstacles placed in front of them always the will to surpass it. We have gathered here to lay down "rest the soul of our departed friend, Ralph Fletcher. That means that friends are important and that they will never forget the friendship that they had.

Antonio and Felix dream of both in the competition only one person can win the champions. In the story , Felix and Antonio both loved boxing , so much in boxing that when they knew they did not retreat from their dream they kept chasing their dream. They both “ want to win the fight “ . This means that both love boxing and that they will not leave it for

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