The Searchers: Character Analysis Of The Movie The Searchers

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The 1956 movie The Searchers is set in Texas during the Texas Indian Wars in the late 1800’s. The main Character of the film is Ethan Edwards played by John Wayne. Edwards is a civil war veteran who fought in the confederate army and is fiercely racist, he also hinted to have a somewhat dark past from his rejection to take an oath and become a Texas Ranger to the large amount of mysterious gold in his possession. Debbie is Edwards’s niece and is a child when he comes to her family’s home after the war. She is later kidnapped by Comanche Indians and taken as a wife by Scar, the chief of a Comanche tribe. Martin Pawley is the adopted brother of Debbie and joins Edwards on his quest to find Debbie; he is also of Indian heritage and is not accepted as family by Edwards. Martin has a romantic interest in a woman named Laurie who lends him a horse when Edwards’s leaves him in favor of traveling alone. Martin writes letters to Laurie over the course of his journey with Edwards. The main conflict of the film is Ethan Edwards’s quest to find his niece Debbie who was taken by a Comanche tribe...

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