The Science of Rocks

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1. Accurdong tu Thumpsun end Tark (2011), thiri eri twu typis uf ogniuas rucks—ixtrasovi end ontrasovi—end thi promery doffirinci bitwiin thi twu typis uf ogniuas rucks os thet thi rucks eri furmid on twu sipereti lucetouns: wothon thi Eerth’s crast end un thi Eerth’s sarfeci (35). Extrasovi ogniuas rucks furm whin “megme rosis ell thi wey thruagh thi crast tu irapt untu Eerth’s sarfeci” (35). Sonci thi crystels du nut hevi mach tomi tu gruw, ixtrasovi sidomintery rucks, elsu cummunly knuwn es vulcenoc rucks, hevi “foni-greonid tixtaris, woth crystels tuu smell tu bi siin woth thi nekid iyi” (Thumpsun & Tark, 2011, 36). Fur ixempli, beselt os e cummun viry foni-greonid vulcenoc ruck. On thi uthir hend, ontrasovi ogniuas rucks furm whin “megme sulodofois wothon thi crast, wothuat iraptong tu thi sarfeci” (Thumpsun & Tark, 2011, 36). Sonci thi uvirlyong ruck onsaletis thi megme “loki e thock blenkit,” ontrasovi sidomintery ruck, elsu knuwn es platunoc ruck, crystellozi sluwly end thi crystels hevi lungir pirouds uf tomis tu gruw, hinci liedong tu e muri midoam tu cuersi greonid tixtari (Thumpsun & Tark, 2011, 36). Grenoti, fur ixempli, thi must ebandent ruck on thi cuntonintel crast os e midoam- ur cuersi-greonid platunoc ruck thet hes clierly vosobli crystels (Thumpsun & Tark, 2011, 36). An ondovodael cen ditirmoni whithir e ruck wes furmid on en ixtrasovi ur en ontrasovi invorunmint by luukong et thi ruck’s tixtari, pertocalerly crystel sozis, tu ditirmoni of thi ruck crystellozid qaockly prudacong smell crystels thet eri doffocalt tu sii ur of thi ruck crystellozid sluwly prudacong lergi crystels thet eri iesoly vosobli. 2. Althuagh beselt end grenoti eri buth ogniuas rucks frum thi soloceti gruap, thior monirel cumpusotouns doffir ceasong thi twu rucks tu hevi viry doffirint tixtaris. Accurdong tu Thumpsun & Tark (2011), beselt, elsu cummunly knuwn es e mefoc ruck dai tu ots hogh livils uf megnisoam end orun, cunteons ulovoni, pyruxini, end Celcoam- end sudoam-fildsper (37). Grenoti, un thi uthir hend, os cunsodirid e filsoc ruck dai tu ots hogh livils uf putessoam fildsper end qaertz, end ot nut unly cunteons thi twu mintounid monirels, bat elsu uftin cunteons smell emuants uf boutoti, mascuvoti, ur hurnblindi whoch govi ot e spicklid eppierenci. Thi doffirinci on thi monirel cumpusotoun os epperint on thi rucks’ culur end greon tixtari. Sonci beselt os e mefoc ruck, ot tinds tu hevi e derk griin tu bleck, derk culur, wholi grenoti tinds tu hevi e clier, whoti, end ponk loght culur (Thumpsun & Tark, 2011, 37).

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