The Roles Of Nature And Nurture On Human Development

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If we are aware that we must change we need to do so, “development refers to the pattern of continuity and change in human capabilities that occurs throughout the course of life (King, 2008).” We must use our educational system to uphold processing our development through the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional processes. This also means we must find different ways to balance how people are influenced such as the roles of nature and nurture on human development. Nature refers to our biological heritage and instinctiveness; and nurture refers to things experienced through our surrounding environment. “The interaction of nature and nurture, of genes and environment, influences every aspect of mind and behavior to a degree (King, 2008).” The natural instinct of human beings is to survive, and in order to do so we must adapt to the rapidly changing world around us.
From a psychological standpoint in order for us as humans to become more capable of understanding we should approach individuals in a more humanistic way. “According to humanistic psychologists, warm, supportive behavior toward others helps us to realize our tremendous capacity for self-understanding (King, 2008).” Therefore, I feel that this approach would be an appropriate way to build a new educational system on the basis of altruism and thinking critically.
In every society educational attainment is of great importance. Yet, today’s society is standing by a flawed institution. However, our current culture demands that we become participating members of their schools and institutions, and to further complicate things our economic surroundings dictate how those organizations function. Our socioeconomic shortcomings are directly correlated with our educat...

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