The Role of the Inspector in J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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The Role of the Inspector in J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

A family celebration is interrupted by the entrance of a mysterious

character claiming to be an inspector. 'A police inspector. He says

his name's Inspector Goole.' Says Edna as she introduces the stranger

to the family.

Inspector Goole has often been considered a peculiar and mysterious

character, from his entrance in the middle of act 1 to his enigmatic

exit in act 3. It is through the deliberate fault of J.B.Priestley

that the role of the inspector is left open to debate and speculation.

His methodical and unorthodox questioning leaves the characters

bewildered and easy to manipulate. 'He made us confess', admits Sheila

as if the family had almost been forced into telling their separate

parts of the story. The inspector interrogates each family member with

such unstoppable force that they feel obliged to comply with his

accusations and demands.

Another factor, which makes the inspector so powerful, is that he is

not intimidated by any of the family members. For example when Mr

Birling says that he knows the whole police force personally and that

he is very high in social standing. 'You're new, aren't you? I thought

you must be. I was an alderman for years - and Lord Mayor two years

ago - and I'm still on the bench - so I know Brumley police officers

pretty well - and I thought I'd never seen you before.' Mr Birling is

using his past history and high order standings to make the Inspector

immediately think that someone so respected would never do anything

wrong, therefore trying to intimidate him. But Inspector Goole just

dismisses Mr Birling with 'Quite so' and shows no change whatsoever

and no drop in confidence, which is crucial, as he needs this strong,

powerful persona to make the family confess. The inspector is not at

all fazed throughout the novel, even when Eric runs off which could

have threatened to blow his cover, he does not panic and persists with

his confident, professional nature.

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