The Role of Pilgrimage in a Christian's Life

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The Role of Pilgrimage in a Christian's Life

Pilgrimage plays an important part in the life of some Christians.

Thos who are lucky enough to go on a pilgrimage during their lifetime

would visit places such as Lourdes, or Taizé in order for them to feel

closer to God.

Probably the most well known place of pilgrimage is Lourdes, it is

well known for its story, which tells us that a poor young girl called

Bernadette was collecting wood for a fire when Our Lady appeared to

her, she reappeared on a number of occasions and Bernadette was told

by Mary to dig in a specific rock where she found a spring, which

still runs to this day.

During their time at Lourdes the pilgrims are encouraged to pray and

build up a stronger relationship with God, they are given an

opportunity to do this during the many masses that take place each

day. Also, people who are not ill like to go to Lourdes and volunteer

to help the sick. The men who volunteer are given the title

'Brancardier' which is French for stretcher-bearer, these people help

to transport the sick from place to place, like taking them from hotel

to church, or to the grotto or to processions.

The women volunteers take up the task of becoming a handmaid, in the

image of Mary. This job involves caring for the sick, which

incorporates cleaning, washing and generally helping the sick enjoy

their time at Lourdes.

By helping others in this way, the pilgrims find that they think about

others more when they get home, and they find that their own lives are

a blessing. The long time effects of the pilgrimage are usually the

better effects, as the people leave the place they begin to feel more

at ease with themselves. This is very helpful to those who are sick;

they go to Lourdes in hope of a cure but return home without a

physical cure, but they have been helped mentally and are able to cope

much better with their illness.

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