The Role of Authority in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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The Role of Authority in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet This play was written by William Shakespeare in the late 16th century. It was intended to be performed to a live audience in the Elizabethan period. It was not proposed for a modern day audience. It the period it was written views such as religion, life, authority and much more so their views are much different to ours. There are three main types of authority. The state was one of those key figures. Prince Escalus of Verona was the head of state. This means he had the power to make new laws, arrest people, imprison them, execute and banish people. He was probably in charge of an army or a police force. At this point of time Italy was split into ‘city states’ Verona was one of these. So Prince Escalus was in charge of Verona. An Elizabethan audience would understand because Queen Elizabeth I had free rule of England and could do as she pleased imprisoning people, executing and much more. But in this the prince is a fair ruler and does not intend to use his power to be a ghastly ruler. This is proved when he banished Romeo instead of executing him, after giving them an ultimatum ‘If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit of peace’. That basically explains if ever there is fighting between the Capulet’s and Montague’s they will be executed. The Capulet’s and Montague’s would not have reacted at the time but would feel hard done by that if there were fighting again they would be executed. The language that the prince uses is very noble but in this he refers that if they disturb our peace in Verona again. The word our shows him as he... ... middle of paper ... ...speaks to his daughter in a ferocious way. ‘Content thee gentle coz, let him alone’ This is taken from when Lord Capulet is telling Tybalt not to start a fight against Romeo. From the evidence from this quotation makes it even more surprising when Capulet shouts at Juliet. Authority of the family from the father of the household can be spread to the servants the nurse advises Juliet in the end to marry Paris. This is not her conscience talking, if she advises Juliet to marry Romeo, Lord Capulet would fire her. In the end of the play William Shakespeare’s message to an Elizabethan audience would be that the role of authority is important, and that lies and disobedience get you nowhere. Even though how much they loved each other it wasn’t right. But to a modern day audience it might portray a different message.

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