The Role Played by Stereotyping in the Social Control of Women

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The Role Played by Stereotyping in the Social Control of Women

It can be argued that women can be controlled in many aspects of

society by stereotyping them and opinions based upon that have been

instilled for centuries amongst society.

There are many areas of society that this is apparent. Women have a

variety of roles within the super structure of society and can often

be seen to be “inferior” to men in many different aspects of life.

It has been a value that has been instilled and embedded within

society throughout life that men are seen as superior to women. Men

have always been the ones seen to be the “bread winner” and the

provider for the family. It is a value that has been enforced

throughout history and has seen men dominate all aspects of work, the

criminal system and positions of status in society.

Up until at recent as the 1920’s women couldn’t even vote in countries

like America. This is a clear indication of male superiority in

society. Women had previously no input into the political element of

society and liberal rights to vote. This clearly shows that the

opinions towards women having an influence on how society was shaped

and organised was extremely poor. Attitudes to women have always been

for them to provide a family and also for them to deal with domestic

issues such as cooking, washing and ironing for her husband whilst he

would work. These attitudes have stuck for a long time and are still

clear in present day society to a certain extent.

Even in a modern day society it is clear that women are still seen to

be more domesticated then men. In areas such as education, subjects

like childcare, and home e...

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...d the justice

system. This bias and ‘superiority’ of men has created a situation

where it has become difficult for a woman to gain a position of power

and high status in society. Although all recent surveys show that

women have outperformed males in education and Britain’s longest

serving Prime Minister was in fact female attitudes towards women are

reluctant to change from what society sees as there role.

However in a modern day society and with the emergence of more

‘metrosexual’ males, attitudes towards men’s roles in society are

beginning to shift. And it is becoming more socially acceptable for a

man to do housework and be the ‘carer’ for a child. This could be an

indication of progression towards equality for men and women and an

end to old fashioned out-dated attitudes towards the role of women in


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