The Role Of Socrates In The Clouds

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For every teacher one may have, there is always a wiser teacher. Socrates is the wisest teacher in the city-state of Athens. A man who has been teaching his wise ways of questioning to students for over 25 years in the Agora is Socrates. Having been known as an adept to questioning, many adolescents and adults sought direction by Socrates. However, people have created accusations against Socrates such as not believing in the gods. Why put Socrates on trial now? At Socrates's trial, both the defense and prosecution have provided strong evidence, but the prosecution was not as strong as the defense. From the defense side, you'd hear from Plato, who is Socrates's most notable student, Crito, who is a lifelong friend of Socrates, and finally Aristophanes, …show more content…

People have accused Socrates of teaching their children to question the gods and to question other things within their lives. Both Aristophanes and Plato give well thought out explanations that prove Socrates did not corrupt the youth. Plato briefly describes how Athens’s established constitution that directs the children towards violence and how average Athenian citizens are choosing politicians are the reasons why the minds of the youth have been corrupted. Adding to the proof of why Socrates did not corrupt the youth, Aristophanes’s play, The Clouds, depicted Socrates as a different person, which could have persuaded children’s minds through pathos. The tactic of pathos exaggerated and made fun of Socrates and his questioning. Aristophanes defends himself by stating how his plays are of the satire genre and should not be taken literally. “Who will be able to speak freely anymore if Socrates is put to death,” asks Aristophanes. Socrates was able to teach his ways of questioning because people were able to speak freely. Yes, Socrates may have taught some bad eggs, but he taught so many other good eggs. One person that is an accuser of Socrates and how he corrupting the youth is Tethis. Tethis’s son, Critias, is one of those bad eggs that Socrates taught. What happened to Critias and how he led the 30 tyrants was Tethis’s reason why Socrates corrupted the youth. However, as Aristophanes says, “Socrates only taught students to question their own understanding of things.” This quote demonstrates that Socrates did not tell Critias to overthrow the government and kill 1,500 innocent Athenians. Concluding, Critias thought of this plan all by himself without the help of Socrates. Therefore, Socrates did not corrupt the

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