The Role Of Sexuality In The Little Mermaid By Han Christian Andersen

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Mermaids have always been very popular in literature for many years. They're known for being beautiful seductresses with long, flowing hair and skinny torso's attached to a gorgeous tail. Hans Christian Andersen's personal life and interest in mermaids led to his fairytale, "The Little Mermaid," which was published in 1837. "The Little Mermaid" is a disturbing tale about a mermaid who gives up her voice and tail for a Prince she barely has come to know. Two of the main characters in the tale, The Little Mermaid and the Sea Witch display many aspects of sexuality. With the help of an experienced Sea Witch, the mermaid is able to enter her state of sexuality. Andersen uses sexuality through the little mermaid to fit the female standards in the eighteenth century. …show more content…

His references to sexuality in “The Little Mermaid” relate back to his own personal life. Andersen struggled with his own sexuality throughout his life. His relationship with sexuality seems to be troubling by getting denied often by both men and women. It is suggested that Andersen was bisexual as he would openly write love letters to both men and women. One in particular was a man named Edvard Collin. Andersen wrote a love letter to him mentioning how much love he had for him. Collin responded through his writings saying that he did not feel the same way. Collin, like the Prince in the fairytale, was also pressured by his family to marry a princess. At the time, same-sex marriage was not acceptable. Collin then went on to marry a woman which led Andersen to move away and write his infamous fairytale, "The Little Mermaid." It is still unclear as to if Andersen had sexual feelings towards men, but it is very clear that he had sexual feelings when writing his tales. This fairytale seems to be a reflection of Andersen's own failed love life. He experienced the pain of failed love, just as the mermaid

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