The Role Of Journalism In World War One

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A Greek dramatist named Aeschylus once said, "In war, the first casualty is truth." Not much has changed in 2500 years. Whoever controls the public will control the war. The news plays a huge part in how the public sees the war or conflict. Therefore, in order to get the public on a country's side, the will do and say whatever it takes to get the people to agree with them. If it came to it, the government would tell lies to the citizens just to get there support, even if the support was based on lies. That is what happened in World War One. In the First World War, the government hid the truth and showed the public fake images and information. However, by the time we entered World War two reporting had changed. During that conflict journalists …show more content…

Hours after the bomb was dropped on Pearl Harbor, the country was told they were going to war. At that time, radio was the most used means of communication, newspaper below that, and then television was barely being used. Newspapers and radio broadcasting starting covering the war when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Although we didn't join the war until 2 years later, the press was already deeply involved in the conflict around them. There were three categories of print journalists around that time. The first was wire service reporters, who were the people reporting for the national news, for companies like Associated Press and United Press. Correspondents for the large metropolitan daily newspapers were also going around getting information for companies like the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Los Angeles Times. The last large group of people that were covering the conflict were the correspondents for the weekly magazines such as Life, Time, Newsweek, and the New Yorker. Most of these journalists were sent overseas to cover the war, at the place of the war. These reporters had to wear military uniforms, but were not allowed any sidearms or weapons of any kind. Because of how close they were to the fighting, many journalists were often killed, injured, or captured. Unfortunately, some that were captured were later killed by the …show more content…

Many pictures have been released of people seeing horrifying images, often of concentration camps. One picture shows German soldiers who were captured by the United States, being shown what was going on in their home. Although they come from Germany, that doesn't mean they were Nazis, and most of the POWs were not. The look on their face shows how scared and disturbed they are by the footage they are seeing. Another photograph shows a young girl named Tereszka, a derivation of Teresa, next to a chalkboard of what looks like scribbles. She was asked to draw her home. Tereszka grew up in a concentration camp and was then put into a home for emotionally disturbed children when the war was over. The workers there thought that those endless circles could represent the chaos and barbed wire at the concentration camp. Her gaze is said to "pierce the soul." Lastly there was a photo that no one could fully interpret . It is of what is alleged to be the Reaper rising from a shell on the Western Front. It caused great chaos when it was released into the newspapers in England and the United States in

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