The Right To Fail By William Zinsser Summary

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Williams Zinsser's "The Right to Fail" analysis Patrick Todd 1st 5.14.18 Assignment topic: How does Zinsser’s essay complicate, confirm ,or challenge what you feel to both American Dream entail both failure and success? Response: What is the American Dream? For most, it is to be the next trillionaire, or the next biggest movie star; however, the American Dream for me is nowhere near that. My American dream is to have a good- paying job, work hard at it, then later start my own business. Thereafter, I will continue to improve my business practices; I will watch my profits rise. Ultimately, though, I will raise my children to be humble, only fearing God. The meaning of being successful can be taken in many ways. As an example, the way society views success is: one must exceed all of his courses, …show more content…

After failing if one does fail, it does not mean the world is over. No, they must get back on their own two feet, dust them self off and keep moving forward. It is similar to riding a horse, or a bike, you may fall down a few times; however, after falling down you get right back up and get right back on the horse or bike. Just because you fail at something does not mean you are destined to fail at life, some are not meant to do a certain thing in life, for an instant I am not meant to work a nine to five job in an office looking at computer screen wasting my time away, i'm meant to be outside in nature working with my hands no matter if it welding in my shop at the house, or being on top of a 110 story building welding. To become truly successful one must first find what they are meant to do in life, getting to that point where you can say “this is what i was meant for”, it may take many failures; however, one can’t stop no matter how many failures one my go through, for the goal of success is never out of

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