The Right Grade Level Books Should Be Taught In Schools

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Teachers should pick the books that the students will read that year. For example, the teachers will choose the right grade level book for the students. Additionally, the teachers will choose more challenging books to read. For instance, the teacher will assign books that are school appropriate.

Although the teachers will choose the right grade level book for the students to read. Students always want to get the easier books because it will be an easier test, but is it always the right grade level? For instance, some students just want to get the book over with and they don’t care what grade level the book is, as long as it’s easy. To illustrate, a few years ago, teachers would give students their grade level and send them off to the library to choose a book or two. I am against that because when the students went to the library they would choose the lowest grade level they have and read that book. As as result, students will be prepared for harder books if the teacher chooses the books. …show more content…

Although it would be interesting to see what the students think are challenging, but it would be more effective to let teachers challenge the students for a variety of reasons. Students can challenge themselves sometimes, but teachers always give a great challenge to the students. I have noticed that it is hard trying to find a good book with a good challenge in it to read for class even though the teacher could already have a great, challenging book for the students to read. Students are struggling to find a book that will actually be challenging in some way to them, but a teacher could already have a challenging book just waiting for us to

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