The Revolt Of The Evil Fairies Analysis

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The Revolt of the Evil Fairies is a story of intra-racial discrimination in a time where color was big in society, a crush that is unknown and un seen to be recognized, and jealousy that would end in destruction. Conquering intra-racial discrimination with the onset of anger. Although the narrator of this story doesn't have a name, he is described as a black male who's has the best grades in his class a lead debater in the community but because of his skin color could never land the role in the school play of prince charming. The narrator doesn't speak of the year in the passage but only of the city and state being Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The name of the school is referred to as being a colored grammar school which is believed to be in a time when racism and discrimination still existed. The narrator often refers to black as colored citizens, and the fact that the Good Fairies had lighter skin and wore white costumes while the Evil Fairies had darker skin in wore black costumes symbolizes discrimination. Prince charming and sleeping beauty were only play by light-skinned children w...

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