The Results Of Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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The story of Othello teaches us the results of jealousy. In Othello jealousy can lead to consequential decisions. Some of the characters will give up anything to have what they want. Such as Roderigo want Desdemona. When Desdemona got married with Othello Roderigo wanted “ drown thyself” (1.3.300) because he felt that his chances with Desdemona were lost. Lucky enough Iago stopped by to tell him to “put money in thy purse” (1.3.337) rather than Roderigo drown himself because a man with money. Roderigo is jealous for Othello having Desdemona as his wife. On the night before Othello’s return party/ celebration Iago shares a little bit of his plan with Roderigo. Roderigo is so jealous that he “ will do this if you can bring it to any opportunity”

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