The Republic Of Botswana

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General Disposition

The Republic of Botswana is located in Southern Africa. Formerly the British colony of Bechuanaland, it adopted

its current name after becoming independent within the Commonwealth on September 30, 1966. Botswana has a

population of just over 2 two million, being one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. A medium

sized country with neighboring nations of South Africa to the south, Zimbabwe to the east, Namibia to the west,

and Angola and Zambia to the north.

Botswana has become a well-developed country with a modest standard of living. With many years of strong

representative government and progressive social approaches Botswana has made itself one of the most stable

economic countries in Africa; earning the second highest Human Development Index. Botswana is quoted as: “the

least corrupt country in Africa.”

Around 40% of government revenue generated comes from the mining of diamonds and other sectors of the

mineral industry.

Botswana has few enemies and has been relatively peaceful over the 20th

demonstrates connections with the democratic west and is likely to cooperate with other democratic countries in

different social and political issues, having received aid and defense training from the U.S. in the past. Being part

of the British Commonwealth, Botswana is likely to respond to political stimuli in similar fashion to Britain and its

former colonies. Botswana also belongs to the African Union; supporting its objectives and goals for a peaceful,

unified and strong Africa.


The Republic of Botswana believes that proper regulations on UAVs are necessary in order to allow continued

peaceful use in the future. UVAs are useful in providing a country like Bo...

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...UN should look to support the upbringing of this new government, helping it develop into a

responsible authority that responds to the people. The UN should be a helping force in the people’s change,

guiding the power of the masses into something constructive instead of destructive and violent.

In such an interconnected world, even the smallest rebellion can be felt all over the world. Its repercussions will

impact the future for years to come, and will directly or indirectly affect people all over the world. The world is as

one, and if the UN ignores conflicts, deciding that they are merely domestic conflicts, then it will have lost a chance

to help shape the outcome of said conflict. Everything is linked together and therefore conflicts should be taken

seriously and deemed important to international security. It is better to be proactive then reactive.

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