The Reasons for the Hostility Between Austria-Hungary and Serbia During 1878 and 1914

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The Reasons for the Hostility Between Austria-Hungary and Serbia During 1878 and 1914

Between 1878 and 1914, there was generally a lot of hostility in the

Balkans this was mainly due to the weakening Ottoman Empire, this

allowed countries within it to start to fight for independence and the

greater powers surrounding it to try and take over parts of it.

After the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, Austria-Hungary was given the right

to occupy and administer the Ottoman province of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In 1908, after growing fears of Serbia and Russia becoming stronger,

Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina. This angered the Serbs

because they had wanted Bosnia-Herzegovina to be in their control as

the majority of the population were in fact Serbian; they also felt

that by having Bosnia under their control it would be easier to fight

the Habsburgs for control over those parts of the Habsburg Empire that

had a majority population of Serbs. This was one of the main reasons

for hostility between the two countries during this time as it...

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