The Real Pocahontas Research Paper

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Who is the real Pocahontas?
The real Pocahontas was a the daughter of the Chief Powhatan, leader of the Algonquin. She was originally named matoaka but in her tribe they were granted multiple names which later turned to Amonute and then into Pocahontas because of her free and curious spirit. What made her well known was her meeting John Smith. Although not certain when they first met he writes about a young girl in 1608 when she saved him from being captured by a relative of Pocahontas. Others say it was when her father tried to kill him and Pocahontas saving him by risking her own life. It is know for a fact that Pocahontas had a relationship with the people of Jamestown and even kept them from starving but as the town grew so did the conflict

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