Pocahontas Argumentative Essay

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After examining the sources, I strongly believe that Pocahontas did not save John Smith from the urgent, deadly circumstance that legends speak of. Although history textbooks such as The Americans: A History write that Pocahontas “rescued Smith when he was captured”, it refers to her rescue as a legend. While some legends may be exaggerated versions of partial truths, many are purely just stories. Although Pocahontas may have “saved” John Smith from a less dire circumstance, the odds of her rescuing him from a desperate, violent capture is probably not true. Furthermore, Smith did not mention any threat or capture in his book written a year after the “actual” event. However, in order to gain more fame and money, he included an epic, detailed description of her rescue in the Generall Historie of Virginia. If Pocahontas truly tried to “save him from death” (Smith), John Smith would’ve had to mention her rescue in his first book. If I were a typical resident of …show more content…

Following Bacon’s Rebellion, Virginia turned to the enslavement of African Americans, something never seen before. In a more positive light, some view Bacon’s rebellion as an early representation of rebelling against tyranny, which would fuel the colonial fight to gain independence. The Salem Witch Trials serve as an example of irrational fears, such as the future fears of Communism. Since new fears will continually be introduced to the United States, the trials are a constant reminder to control our responses to our fears, which is important in sustaining a peaceful economy. Lastly, without the contribution of electricity from Benjamin Franklin, traditional American lifestyle would be completely different. Now, most of the world depends on electricity as a source of energy to function, therefore making Franklin’s invention valuable to the future global

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