The Reaction Between Marble Chips and Hydrochloric Acid

818 Words2 Pages

Using the syringe method I am going to investigate the reaction between

Marble chips and hydrochloric acid by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide



Using the syringe method I am going to investigate the reaction

between Marble chips and hydrochloric acid by measuring the volume of

carbon dioxide formed. This reaction rate will tell me how fast or

slow a chemical reaction is and there are four things that could

affect this greatly they are-

* Concentration-An increase in concentration means there are more

particles. More particles mean that there will be more collisions.

* Surface area-When one of the reactants is solid; the reaction can

only take place at the surface of the solid. Breaking the solid

into smaller pieces will increase the surface area exposed to the

other reactant.

* Temperature-Since temperature is a measure of the motion of

particles, increasing temperature will cause the particles to move

faster, more collisions occur and the collisions are more violent.

This should increase the rate of reaction.

* Catalysts-Catalysts are substances that change the rate of a

chemical reaction without being changed in the reaction. Catalysts

are most often used to speed up the chemical reaction.

I tried to do some preliminary work but each time the reaction went

either to fast or to slow which meant in the experiment I wouldn't get

accurate results. I decided to use the same amounts of hcl acid and


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