The Question: Banish Harry Potter?

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The Question: Banish Harry Potter?

Everyone loves to sit down and read a good book that really makes you get into it. What about a type of literature that really makes you wonder and is not realistic but fun to read about because it is different. Then maybe you should read the book called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, which was written by a talented writer named J.K. Rowling. This is an amazing book that is very popular, but then at the same time very disliked by some also. Witchcraft and other mythical actions happen upon this novel and can capture your mind in the first chapter. It can capture children and adults alike; this is not just a book for children. Some adults think otherwise though because many of them have been trying to ban Harry Potter books from public schools. Many adults that think this have caused a great amount of arguments between the school districts and community. A vast amount of parents say it is evil and inappropriate to read to students accounting that they may believe in bad beliefs from now on. Harry Potter should not be banned from public schools because you have your own rights, it is your belief with different views, and you can’t control the whole public school.

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