The Purpose Of Mole To Mole Relationships And Empirical Formulas

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Lab Title: Mole-to-Mole relationships and Empirical Formulas

Purpose: The objective of lab four was to use the website Late Nite Labs to determine mole-to-mole relationships and empirical formulas in chemical reactions. Combining and/or heating various compounds, observing the reactions and then calculating the moles revealed the balanced chemical reactions.

Materials: For the virtual experiment, a computer, Internet, calculator and access to Late Nite Labs were needed.

If one were to do the mole-to-mole relationship lab with actual materials they would need copper (s), a Bunsen burner, a crucible, a scale, 0.2 M silver nitrate (AgNO3)(l), and beakers.

If one were to do the empirical formula lab with materials that are physically present …show more content…

93g – 88 g = 5 g

Grams to moles = Grams used divided by moles per gram e.g. 1.000 g Cu / 63.546 g of copper in 1 mole = .01574 mol

Results: The purpose of experiment 5a was to determine the molar ratio between copper and silver. It was found that 2 moles of silver nitrate combine with one mole of copper to yield two moles of silver and 1 mole of copper (II) …show more content…

Experiment 2

1. Write the equation for the decomposition of the hydrate, MgCl2 MgCl2*XH2O (s) −> MgCl2 (s) + XH2O (g) 2. Record the following masses:
a. mass of the crucible and hydrate (g)
b. mass of the crucible and pure salt (g)

The information requested is found in the following table:
Mass of the crucible and hydrate (g) 93.000 g
Mass of the crucible and pure salt (g) 90.342 g

3. Calculate the following:
a. mass of water in the hydrate sample (g)
b. number of moles of water in the sample c. mass of pure salt in the sample (g)
d. number of moles of salt in the sample
e. molar ratio of water to salt in the sample

The results of the calculations requested are found in the following table:
Mass of water in the hydrate sample (g) 2.658 g
Number of moles of water in the sample .1475 mol
Mass of pure salt in the sample (g) 2.342 g
Number of moles of salt in the sample 0.02460 mol
Molar ratio of water to salt in the sample 6 moles of water to 1 mole of salt

4. From your calculations, what is the empirical formula of magnesium chloride hydrate? MgCl2*6H2O (s) −> MgCl2(s) + 6H2O(g)

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