The Protestant Ethic And The S

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'How did the Calvinists beliefs relating to worldly asceticism and predestination, encourage the development of Western capitalism, in Webers view.';
In this essay, I am first going to briefly look at Webers idea and how it differed form the view Marx put forward on the development of Western capitalism. I am then going to look at the way Weber saw 'occidental'; capitalism differing from 'other'; types of capitalism. After this I will touch upon what Weber described as the 'spirit of capitalism';. I will then proceed to explain what effect predestination and worldly- asceticism had an on a Protestant and his calling, and how this therefore encouraged the development of Western capitalism; in Webers view. After this I will look at the evidence Weber used to back up his idea, as well as the criticisms made against his work. I will also assess the methodological method used by Weber in his analysis; and finally, I will finish with a conclusion to sum up this essay.

Marx in his study of Western capitalism; saw it developing from a struggle between two forces, mainly feudalism and early capitalism(1). However, having studied Marx's ideas(2), Weber put forward a different analysis to describe the development of Western capitalism. Weber instead put forward an idea which did not seek to replace Marx's idea as a spiritual alternative(ibid), but was to give a different angle of how capitalism may have developed in the West. This idea was based on a coincidence which Weber believed exhisted between the owners of capital and Protestantism, as explained below;
'Business leaders and owners of capital, as well as the higher grades of skilled labour, and even more the higher technically and commercially trained personnel of modern enterprises, are overwhelmingly Protestant.';(ibid)

Therefore Weber set out an investigation to find why most business men were Protestant, and thus possessed a large amount of capital, which Weber describes as the 'elective affinity'; (3); as shown in his following statement;
'We are dealing with the connection of modern economic life(Occidental capitalism) with the rational ethics of ascetic Protestants.';(ibid)

It is when Weber did his research that he came to the following conclusion; that the way of life for Protestan...

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... ibid.-p21-22 ibid.-p48 ibid.-p98 ibid.-p100 ibid.p100 ibid.-p100 ibid.-p100 ibid.-p128 ibid.-p119 ibid.-p104-112-108 ibid.-p120-121-126 ibid.-p171 ibid.-p171 ibid.-p169 ibid.-p172 ibid.-p170-171-180 ibid.-p166 ibid.-p274 ibid.-p275 ibid.-p274 ibid.-p172-174 ibid.-p169 ibid.-p235 ibid.-p171-235 op-citp279 op-cit-pxxiii op-cit-pxxiv op-cit-pxxiv op-cit-p188-189 op-cit-p183.


(4) HARALAMBOS AND OSBORNE: UNWIN HYMAN: 1990: P-662 ibid.-P663 ibid.-p663- ibid.-p663 op-cit-p754

(5) College notes: 1997:

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