The Pros And Cons Of The Hydrogen Bomb

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What if the world we lived in was no longer safe? The decision of whether or not to create hydrogen bomb brings into question safety of, not just a country, but the entire world. Although, there’s many reasons why someone would say the creation of the hydrogen bomb is important, it’s not. If created, it would cause a greater degree of mass destruction on civilization than the atomic bomb. The bomb would also have unpredictable effects on the environment and would change the nature of foreign policy. The atomic bomb left a devastating aftermath in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War ll. Both bombs that landed in Japan ending World War ll killed thousands of innocent Japanese citizens, left radiation on the land, and in the few survivors An example of this is the Athenian empire, the Athenians had a large amount of power, that caused them to act in self-interest when it came to Melos refusing to become part of the Athenian empire. When Melos refused to join the empire, the Athenians killed all men of military age and enslaved the women and children to show what power they had. That same power comes with the hydrogen bomb, and has the ability turn the United States into a country with the same of self-interest. The hydrogen bomb under a self interested country will create a large amount of fear in other countries, potentially lead to the genocide of different groups, and may even lead to the destruction of the human It holds the capability of having large effects on civilization and nature that we cannot yet comprehend. The hydrogen bomb has the power to hurt the atmosphere: “There is a possibility that the radioactivity released by a small number of these bombs would pollute the Earth’s atmosphere to a dangerous extent” (pp 2). The atmosphere is vital to the survival of the whole world. Without the atmosphere, life on earth would cease to exist, and damaging the Earth’s atmosphere would hurt all humans not just a country’s enemy. Damaging the Earth’s atmosphere also means even more radioactivity will not only be in our air, but will be leaked into our soil and water supply effecting what are body 's are breathing and absorbing. The hydrogen bomb’s power to create large global issues is extremely dangerous to all even more as it will leave unsolvable issues for generations, since we do not have the knowledge yet to fix these

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