The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty?

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Throughout our fathers’ lives, not just our fathers, grandfathers and ancestors, death is a common punishment used to bring justice to the ones who committed a horrendous crime. Whether it is a lethal injection, electrocution, gas chamber, hanging, or even by a firing squad, death is a consequence for committing a serious crime. From the earliest of times such as the Roman Empire and is still used today in America. Over the years the death penalty caused huge controversy over how cruel it is to end a human’s life like that. And so the number of states that have the death penalty decreased from 50 to 31. However, this does not mean that the death penalty will be forever gone as 63% of Americans support the death penalty. Currently, there are 5 different execution methods in the United States, each one is controversial on its own as they do get the job done, but each method have their own drawbacks. Over the years the death penalty began to lose popularity, as of 1994, 80% of Americans were in favor while now only 63% …show more content…

The anti-death penalty group cannot ban the death penalty itself, so they try and ban every execution method. If they do succeed in doing so, what would the replacement for capital punishment be? Life sentence? If so, does it actually rehabilitate the prisoner? Don’t forget we have overflowed prisons and jails. Whereas life in prison is a lot cheaper than the death penalty due to the long legal process. What about if the individual turns out to be innocent? Now there is DNA testing so a person should be proven guilty or innocent pretty quickly, right? What about if there is a mix up in the DNA? For example, another person’s blood mixes with the killer’s blood somehow, what will happen? These are questions lead to other questions and they all lead back to 2 questions: Is there a humane way of executing a person and is it worth taking someone’s

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