The Pros And Cons Of The Dakota Access Pipeline

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How can we determine what is more important that the planet, and who has the ability to make these decisions? In society today, many decisions are ultimately made to benefit people's pockets, rather than the planet that we live on. Decisions being made on a daily basis are destroying our environment, something that should be the most important thing in our lives. Politics are often brought into situations regarding the environment that disagrees with the public, but because of the substantial amount of power and money that can back decisions, the public is often overlooked, even if they disagree because of the negatives it might bring. One of the most recent examples of this the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Dakota Access Pipeline is a 1,172-mile-long oil pipeline, stretching from North Dakota to somewhere near Patoka, Illinois, with the purpose of then taking the crude oil to refineries to be collected for use. Ever since the pipeline was proposed, a lot of people have disagreed with the pipeline because of the environment impact it could, and ultimately will have. Though the project has quite a few pros, it has cons too, but just how far can money go, when we're destroying the most important to us. …show more content…

This being said, many people disagree with the project due to the damaging cons that it brings. The pipeline is being built on sacred land and causes the threat of water contamination in the Standing Rock Sioux reservation for not only those who use it, but those who are miles 8downstream from the reservation as well. Overall, the project could possibly worsen climate change more than what is already happening. Despite all of these potentially devastating cons, the construction of the pipeline was approved for the benefit of the country and its

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