The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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For years, people have debated whether President Truman should have allowed the atom bomb to be used on Japan. The dropping of the atom bomb was indeed the right choice. There is a lot of evidence that support it. It was not only morally acceptable, but it was the best strategic choice that America could have chosen. It got rid of the Japanese’s main sources for supplies. In the long run, it also helped prevent the war from lasting any longer. Otherwise, the Japanese people would have continued to fight. The biggest thing about the bomb that people debate about is whether dropping the bomb was moral or not. This action was indeed moral. The first reason is that it fulfills the requirements of the Principle of Dual Effect. It act was indifferent. …show more content…

All the other strategies would have been more devastating. One plan was to invade Japan. This plan would have been worse due to the number of casualties, estimated to be over five million. The ones that would have suffered were the Americans, the Allies, the prisoners at Japanese prison camps, and most of all the Japanese. The reason why so many would have died is because of the fact that all of Japan, especially the military leaders, were determined to win the war at all costs. This included turning the population into soldiers. By invading Japan, so many lives would have been …show more content…

This plan would not be as bad as a plan as invading Japan, but it is still a terrible plan. Many cities have been destroyed, and 3 million people have already died. If the plan continued, more people would have died from conventional bombing then from when the atom bomb was dropped. It would have taken longer for Japan to surrender. Many other people, such as American soldiers and Japanese militarized civilians, would have been at risk of dying as well. Strategies are important, but the effects are important as well. It is always important to add the long-term effects of an action when judging the righteousness of an action. Looking at what happened when the bomb dropped, it was the best way to stop the war. After the bomb dropped, the emperor realized that Japan needed to surrender. A few days later, Japan surrendered. Many lives on both sides were saved because Japan surrendered. However, this is not the only way to look at this

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