The Pros And Cons Of Space Exploration

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To begin, exploration is worth the risk because of its benefits to the advancement of our society's ethical views. Our society advanced in areas such as cultural views through risk and exploration. This risk is shown in the movie ¨Hidden Figure¨ when Katherine Johnson stands up for herself and the other black women in NASA at the time. This action by Mrs. Johnson changed NASA’s views on segregation leading the destruction of segregated items such as segregated restrooms. (Hidden Figures). This event shows how one person’s risk to explore that option to stand up benefited society as Katherine’s actions were a step toward the elimination of racial and gender discrimination in our society. Many other individual’s actions to stand up for themselves …show more content…

This proven in John F. Kennedy's speech about space exploration with the statement,”medical space research may lead to new safeguards against hazards common to many environments. Specifically, our astronauts will need fundamentally new devices to protect them from the ill effects of radiation which can have a profound influence upon medicine and man’s relations to our present environments.”(Kennedy, 187). Through space exploration, we can develop new protection against certain environments based on the protection made to protect astronauts from the harsh environment of space. The exploration of space the article ”NASA Funded Technology Works to Save Trapped Miners” with the statement, "The technology was developed as part of an effort to stimulate the private sector to develop commercial space transportation concepts and enable capabilities for future commercial support of human spaceflight with U.S. taxpayer dollars and Paragon's private investment. The company then found another market for it, leading to the development of a new commercial product and service, which will help save the lives of American miners."(Ryba, 3) The exploration of protection in space truly benefits all of us on Earth whether it be for work purposes like the miners or for living purposes (harsh climates).Many might say exploration isn't worth the risk because of the cost of carrying out the exploration. Although exploration is expensive the safety and advancement of society are worth more. The benefits that improve modern human life outweigh the

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