The Pros And Cons Of Puppy Mills

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Hundreds of thousands of dogs are brought to their miserable demise every year at the hands of an evil group of “breeders”. These so-called “breeders” are infamously tagged by another name, puppy mills. Here dogs are treated as nothing more than a puppy provider, their needs are dismissed and once they can no longer produce puppies, they are disposed of. Puppy mills first popped up around World War II when people were faced with a large debt from the war and needed a way to make money, the faster the better. (Woolf) Farmers in particular turned to breeding dogs for the sole purpose of selling and since it was successful they would breed more and more dogs and soon space would be limited, but that didn’t stop them. They got around that by forcing …show more content…

One thing that helps puppy mills exist are licenses that the USDA issues to people. These licenses have minimal requirements that need to be met in order to get one. (Johnson 155) Not just that, but the USDA itself helped start up puppy mills back after World War II, encouraging farmers to breed dogs as a cash crop. The abuse that these animals went through did assist in triggering a law to be made, the U.S. Animal Welfare Act, in 1966. (Johnson 155) However, that laws prior purpose was diminished in time and made any person who bred a large amount of dogs a susceptible victim of the law, whether they treated the dogs well or not. Luckily there are people out there willing to fight all forms of animal abuse and put a stop to it. Amy Worden writes an article focusing on a meeting about the concerns people had on breeders, just or unjust. She mentioned some board members speaking up about stricter regulations, which could include things like, “...bans on wire-bottom cages and the practice of stacking cages...” However, many breeders were scared of enforcing laws that were too broad and attacked people that didn’t contribute to animal abuse, but still bred. (Worden) More should be done to put an end to puppy mills because there is an uncountable amount of dogs being treated cruelly and unjustly, several die and/or are killed due to unsuitable environment or they are no longer able to fulfill

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