The Pros And Cons Of Power Uplifting

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Powerlifters can be considered in the elite group of the world’s strongest men. How did they get to the point they are at now? Years of practice and a lot of focus on form that is needed to safely execute the movements with the most force.
As Mark Bell has said,” Sorry to burst your hopeful bubble, but you can't go from complete inactivity to a 315-bench in one day. If you have illusions of powerlifting grandeur, you're going to have to start with the basics”. (2015, PARA 1) Just as Mark Bell said everyone needs to start somewhere. The three basic lifts of powerlifting are the squat, dead lift, and bench. Moreover, within each of the three main lifts, there are many elements and auxiliary, movements that are essential, such as: form, breathing, …show more content…

Because the sport has gone through a resurrection recently there are many different ideas of what is right. Marty Gallagher understood and even predicted that powerlifting was going to have a resurrection and a fraction in the sport.
“Powerlifting as a craft, will never die … proper squats, bench pressing and deadlifting have incredible athletic applicability and for these reasons the lifts themselves will live on in perpetuity – the sport, with its innumerable splinter factions, ridiculous supportive gear (what % of a lift is attributable to the man and what % to the gear?) could well kill itself”. (Gallagher, 2013, P 2) He pointed that out in an article that he wrote before he quoted himself in 2013. There were many different ideas of what was right and wrong when he wrote that. This paper will focus on the “raw” aspect of powerlifting. This is just the lifter and very limited aids, whereas “geared” powerlifting has many extra pieces of equipment that contribute to significantly more weight being lifted. Powerlifting has changed in the past couple of years hence the learning style could change to a synthesized hybrid of interpersonal and kinesthetic learning styles to more effectively teach the rising

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