The Pros And Cons Of Mars Colonization

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Easier ways companies could set up profitable operations would be to set up a base or colony on a planet or moon that could bring in a profit. Furthermore, a suitable colony could be set up on a planet such as Mars, whether the colony is there for profit or scientific advancement mars could be a highly successful location. However, one of the biggest arguments against colonization is with the knowledge that international law prohibits any nation claiming land on extraterrestrial bodies. Therefore, the legality of if a country could set up a colony it might upset international relations with other countries. Another big argument against sending a permanent populous to other worlds is the health of the people you send. With little to no atmosphere …show more content…

Mars has a thin atmosphere, that would block some of the radiation meaning only light shielding would be required to protect the populace living there. The average person living on Mars would only take in an average of 11 millisieverts (mSv) a year, much less than the international space agencies maximum of 1000 mSv (Seedhouse). This means that the it could be safe to work and live on mars as long a six years before exceeding safe radiation levels. With the presence of water and it being safe from radiation the main problem a population would have is producing food. The study on PLOS one proved that the Moon had vary little chance of growing food however mars is quite the opposite. In some cases plants such as tomatoes, carrots, and rye actually grew and lasted better in the simulated Martian soil than in the Earths (Wamelink). This means that even though the soil might be devoid of life now, it has the capability to grow and sustain a population, allowing the future possibility of a Mars mission to be a possibility. Furthermore, proving that a Mars mission could be independent from Earth, and not have to rely on shipments of the basic requirements to survive. NASA has proven it wants to go to mars however such a large undertaking comes at a cost, and it is one that NASA just cannot afford it at the …show more content…

However, space has turned into an international endeavor. Many countries from the wealthy to the poor can contribute to scientific or human advancement in space. This is true from the Russians launching American astronauts to the Japanese building a scientific research module for the International Space Station (ISS). Therefore, if a colony or research station were to be placed on the Moon or Mars it would not represent an American, Russian, or other country, it would represent humanity. With attributes and people from all the countries of the Earth, similar to how the ISS runs. Endeavors like setting up human colonies or orbital stations are the few places where diplomatic ties no longer exist. Showing the nations back home that even though there may be bickering on Earth humans of all nations can get along. Further strengthening diplomatic ties and improving relations between the countries that provide support to the dream of space. However, every country need to pull its own weight when it comes to the bigger international projects and currently the American space industry is having the contract out missions to private companies or to other nations to keep up with demand. The American space agency could be the leader in the international endeavor if it had the budget it

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