The Pros And Cons Of Love In True Love

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Do you believe in true love? It is at the core of every Fairy Tale imaginable. Fairy Tales usually begin with a charming prince and a beautiful princess intertwining in a miraculous tale of romance and wonder with an evil figure that must be defeated in order for the two to live happily ever after. With that being said, it doesn't seem to be too realistic or like it could be present in modern day America, or anywhere in the world for that matter, so I choose not to believe that it may exist. Many people confuse love with passion or lust and the fairytale receives this confusion as well. Now the prince and the princess barely know each other after only seeing each other a couple of times before the prince declares that he is in love with Cinderella and that he must search the entire kingdom to find her in order to be with his true love. Who is to say that the prince didn't just have a very strong passion or lust for her, one so deep with a desire to be fulfilled that he would use any powers that he has at his disposal to retrieve our fair maiden for himself? Snapping back to modern day, studies show that lust and/or passion is centered in the “motivation/reward” side of the brain, while emotional love is found more in the “empathy/caring” side. With that being said there are also studies that show that love …show more content…

Ironically, the most exhilarating of human emotions, love, is just a more sophisticated version of lust, a way to keep our species repopulating and growing. We believe that we are choosing whom we are to fall in love with but, studies show that we are merely following nature's great plan. It is said that within the first four minutes of seeing someone, you can tell if you are attracted to them or not. That being said, if we can tell if we are attracted to somebody that quickly, could that completely disprove love existing at

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