The Pros And Cons Of Having A Designer Baby

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Throughout history, a baby would come into the world as a surprise. Recent technology has created several methods allowing the parents to pick physical and personality traits for their baby. Designer babies--the term used for babies produced by these technologies--have the description of holding perfect qualities. After the first designer baby came into the world, the concept of having a designer baby came into question; the process of having a designer baby has many ethical consequences and medical benefits that have caused scientist to research and contemplate this new process. Several different technologies and methods can help to make designer babies. Editing a targeted genome and inserting, deleting, or replacing the desired genome created …show more content…

Fortunately, 500 scientist, doctors, and others attended an International Summit on Human Gene Editing (ISHGE).The delegates discussed the ethical repercussions of designer babies. At this summit, scientists discussed the technologies’ pros and cons. By the end of the summit, the scientist agreed that it would be “irresponsible to proceed” and research is “clearly needed and should proceed.” (Stein 1) Although the scientist decided that the technology needs further research, but the pros and cons weigh heavily on their …show more content…

Some scientist have said that parents have the right to decide the fate of their child. (Ly 1) According to bioethicist James Hughes, “If you think women have the right to control their bodies, then they should be able to make this choice.” James also believe that the term “designer babies” insults parents. The term insinuates that the parents do not think about the child when making the decision to design the child. (Naff 37) However, parents possess certain control over their child by selecting the environment the child grows up in. This choice helps pardon some ethical concerns associated with selection of traits for designer babies. (Ly 1) The scientists at the ISHGE decided designer babies needed more research because the arguments against designer babies. Designer babies can help to cure a family member with a certain disease, but this designer baby would have to undergo many medical procedures to help this family member. From a scientist point of view, consent from the child has created an ethical concern. The production of designer babies have been considered “a violation of the rights of the donor child who cannot give its consent for this action.” (Aznar

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