The Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies

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I think designer babies should not be allowed because it is risky and unfair to the child and to others. People could argue that designer babies can help save the lives of others but they can also be used to create the perfect baby in terms of appearance and knowledge. The method used to create these designer babies is not yet 100% safe. There are certain things that can go wrong that can permanently hurt or even terminate the embryo. Because the technology used to create designer babies is so recent it is unsure whether genetically altering the babies will effect the gene pool. This can cause problems later on in the baby's family tree. Some genes have more than one function. For example the gene that's in charge of intellect could also control anger, so you would have a very smart but very irritable child. Because geneticists cannot 100% evaluate every gene it is almost positive that mistakes will be made. Like all experiments, results are not guaranteed and often the parents may not get the desired results. This can lead to the adoption of many unwanted designer babies. Other...

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