The Pros And Cons Of Fake News

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(intro) Lies are nothing new to society. They can be used to make negative events happen and make bad people money. These days lies can take the form of fake news, a type of news that is either completely false or heavily based on false information. Fake news are unfactual articles that find success by circulating on social media but are not biased or unfriendly information as our president believes. Fake news isn't exactly anything new and years ago it was very different but used for exactly what it is used for today, changing events and making money. It's easy to find out where real news comes from but fake news can often be tricky to track down. (body 1) Ever since its inception, fake news has been an ever present force in society by spreading false claims and statements which can lay waste to organizations and even the idea of a fair democracy as a whole. Over 64%, of the 1002 participants in a Pew Research Center survey, say fake news has In the 1400s fake news was spread by a Christian preacher claimed that the Jewish community of a small town in Italy had murdered a small child and drank its blood in the celebration of Passover. The stories led the town’s entire jewish population to be imprisoned (Soll). Even people like Benjamin Franklin surprisingly used fake news to get colonists aggravated at King George III. (Soll) Another case of historical fake news was in 1835 when a famous astronomer supposedly found a magical and sprawling society on the moon. This caused a commotion among New Yorkers with one newspapers sales over doubling after the story was published. unfortunately the articles were extremely fraudulent and were just a hoax by the editor to draw in more revenue. (Standage). These examples clearly are examples of fake news long before our day and age and how they could cause as much or more damage to society as modern day fake news

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