The Pros And Cons Of European Colonization Of Native Americans

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The vanishing of the Native Americans The European colonization of the Americas produced progress for the Europeans but also caused disaster for the native americans. Colonists going to america was a good thing since it increased their economical status. For the native americans it was another story one of horror. Most people when they think of Columbus they think him as a hero and nothing else. Thousands of natives died because of the coming of the europeans to the americas that vanished some of their population that eventually led to no more natives because of diseases. After this a whole culture was gone. When the colonists arrived the natives were willing to trade whatever they had to the Europeans and they took advantage of that to get them to do whatever they wanted. The natives were like prisoners forced to find resources the Europeans wanted or they would be killed, get their hands cut off, get chased by dogs and …show more content…

Columbus took slaves and most of them died on the way to Spain. The people who bought them received a new one after they died because they didn’t last very long. They were put to do hard work and were treated poorly with almost no rest. Some natives began to suicide because of how they were treated and that had decreased some of their population. Even mother had to kill their newborns because of this situation. Rather than being taken as prisoners they should of made a deal so that the natives could get paid for their services. The coming of the Europeans also led to spreading of diseases that killed a huge amount of natives. Almost none of these cultures exist now because they have been killed by the Europeans and by diseases. For some researchers they would off wanted to be able to know their language to add it to the different languages spoken in this world. We lost a population that would of still been here if the Europeans didn’t kill so much of

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