The Pros And Cons Of Cunningham And Calvert

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These two crooked politicians, Cunningham and Calvert, have been notorious for backroom deals, yet they managed to placate “family values” voters by simply projecting that type of persona. That’s particularly disturbing because Ken Calvert has been listed three times as one of the most corrupt members of Congress in the annual reports by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). Nevertheless, his unwavering right-wing voting record has earned him a 92% rating by the Christian Coalition. For example, Calvert, along with Cunningham, were very critical of Bill Clinton’s extramarital affair. “We can’t forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky,” said Calvert.
This kind of pious affectation apparently helped …show more content…

Nonetheless, his sexual indiscretions and ethical violations have been widely exposed. For example, Fox News detailed how Calvert has added specific earmark spending in the federal budget, such as highways and commercial developments, for his district. That’s really not unusual as many other Congressmen do the same thing in order to help their constituents. In fact, there is a term for this, “pork barrel spending.” Be that as it may, Calvert’s actions have been much more cynical. His spending projects have directly benefited his speculative real estate holdings, entirely for his personal gain!
Yes, Ken Calvert, along with many others, embodies the myriad of jokes that compare politicians and prostitutes. As Ronald Reagan once said, “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” Also, H.L. Mencken once wrote, “A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a …show more content…

A number of them have been exposed in sexual scandals, although the televangelist scandals were probably the most memorable. Jimmy Swaggart’s tearful “I have sinned” speech took place just months after he criticized Jim Bakker for an affair with his former secretary turned Playboy model, Jessica Hahn. Swaggart didn’t directly admit it, but he had been with a prostitute. Also, his fall from grace didn’t lead to him changing his ways as police caught him three years later driving with a prostitute in his car. Nonetheless, he remained brazen when he was confronted by his congregation. “The Lord told me it’s flat none of your business,” declared Swaggart. On top of that, he was implicated again in 1998 by CNN’s program, “Impact,” for separate instances with more prostitutes, in addition to allegations of plundering his ministry’s

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