The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

2016 Words5 Pages

Catholic hospitals are the most common religious hospitals to find throughout the entire world. Each and every one of these hospitals has a set of rules that they are allowed to use so that they may not go against the religion that they were founded upon that was given to them by the Bush Administration from the ideas that the constitution came from. Even though not everyone can agree with one another on what is right and wrong due to their religious background, this law allowed for them to not be treated with any less respect or to disable them from getting the job that they desire. However, due to the new ideas that non-religious advocates are saying about these religious ideas and the law put into place by the Bush Administration, many sheeple …show more content…

Women who undergo abortion can receive many different types of side effects, including some dealing with mental health. “In a study of teenage abortion patients... Symptoms included: self-reproach, depression, social regression, withdrawal, obsession with the need to become pregnant again, and hasty marriages” (“Post Abortion Syndrome,” 1). Even though the patient no longer has to deal with the struggles of carrying a fetus to its term, they instead have to suffer through mental illnesses that could affect them for the rest of their life. Having depression is not a positive outcome of having done what an abortion patient has done. Many people suffer from depression already and it can cause the need for counseling, drug usage, and even the full help of a family unit. The idea of becoming depressed is already a major topic on its own, but when people who have gone to counseling and have been reported as having “chronic problems with relationships, dramatic personality changes, chronic crying, difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and people, and difficulty bonding with later children” (“Post Abortion Syndrome,” 1), makes it so much worse. Even though these patients have the stress of having to care for another human being off of their back, they still have to deal with the side effects that are far worse than what the only benefit, short-term relief, can do for a

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