The Pros And Cons Of A Dystopian Society

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Everyone dreams of a utopia but our world is quickly becoming a dystopia. There is no longer any frontier to hind in away from the world. If you do not make changes to our society the human race could be gone with in 100 years. First off we have to solve the population problem of the planet. The truth is there are to many people for this planet to sustain. Many religions do not condone birth control despite the fact that there is no biblical evidence. Birth control will be available for free at local stores if you are under 18 you need an adult to be present with you at the time of purchase. Abortion is also legal if you are under 18 you must have your parents consent. (Yes abortion isn’t christian but God gave us free will and the …show more content…

Why? You will save 1100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30 sq ft of forest, 10 lb of co2 and one animal by eating a vegan diet.

School: is a time when lots of paper, wood, and toxic chemicals are used. Natural glue instead of letting kids use chemicals. Recycled paper pencils will be used so that we are using up others waste and not creating more. Also tablets will be introduced to students from a young age first at school then at home when they prove themselves responsible enough to take them home. This will cut down on paper and missing homework because the moment it is done and check by parents it can be sent in from home.

Home: the home is where big changes can be made to bring about a healthier world. Each house will come this a rain barrel to catch water from the gutters to water plants and to flush the toilet. All sink will have pipes leading to toilet so that water can be resumed. All hot water heaters will be wrapped in an insulating jacket. All houses will come with a smart power strip to plug small appliances can be turned off when not in use. Lightbulbs will be either Use CFLs or LEDs. Each house will be equipped with a composter; HomeBiogas system converts …show more content…

Instead of big ugly solar panels we will use discreet solar roof tiles to help save energy. Trees will be planted around the border of each property to provide privacy and reduce sound. Each house will have a cellar or a ground fridge that chills food without electricity. Pond pool, used to water plates and to filter water. Wall of planters shades to ventilate the house. Emerson Sensi thermostat which is the most effective thermostat on the market. All houses will have water saving shower heads, electricity saving plugs and moss shower

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