The Prophet Muhammad Essay

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The prophet Muhammad is a very significant individual in the lives of all Muslims. This essay will focus on the book The lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali on the first chapter of The Historical Muhammad. Further discussion on early sources about Muhammad, Muhammad throughout the centuries and non-Muslim sources will be touched on throughout, as the author will provide insight on different perspectives of Muhammad as a true prophet. To begin, Muhammad was born in Mecca in the year of 570 CE, and belonged to a poor yet noble background, to a branch of Banu Hashem in the Quraysh tribe. Upon being in his mothers belly, Muhammad shone her belly to the extent people would see it across of Syria as described. He was visited by an angle at birth where …show more content…

Recent decades turned to textual records, and historian F.E. Peters claimed that a “quest of historical Muhammad is unlikely to yield many certainties since so little can be known for certain about Arabian Peninsula of the era”. It is evident that the prophet was an orphan of noble lineage challenging his tribe and the powers of the oneness of God in an idolatrous wilderness, but what can we really know about Muhammad? How we can known it, and if Muhammad really existed is still of question? Setting Muslim sources aside, early Greek and Syrian sources also give sufficient evidence to remove “any doubts to whether Muhammad was a real person” There is still a debate on if one can use sources for reliable accounts of Muhammad’s life, but one can argue that doubt can fill even a few pages with indisputable information. With early texts often exaggerating the face of Muhammad’s character, it seems readers cannot accept Muhammad as a man that can slaughter, rob caravans and sell women and children into slavery. In that era, it was typical for facts to be presented in an emotional and exaggerated manner to appeal to listeners. Though some claim that there is lacking Muslim literature, Muslims have a voluminous biographical literatures of earlier surviving collection called the Tabaqat (generations) of Ibn Said, which additionally contains biographies of prophet’s wives, relatives, and companions. Some sources even went to explain what the prophet liked to eat, the way he washed, and even manners of eating. With that aside, it seems Ibn Hisham’s work was successful due to the incorporation of emphasizing authentic Christian, Jew and Arabian contexts. Muslims talk of Muhammad as a “perfected human being” whose conduct people should try to

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