Federal Government Intervention In The Progressive Era

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The federal government always came into play at different time periods, when businesses, economy inflation, or local state laws took advantage of the people, which made forced the federal government to act and set down policies and rules to protect the people of the United States. There was the progressive era, the New Deal, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Acts and policies that were passed by the federal government.
The Progressive era was the most crucial time period where federal government intervention was necessary. Before the Progressive era started in 1890, the federal government crackdown monopolies that were going on, they focused on railroad companies first because workers and farmers were mistreated because the workers did not …show more content…

Farmers were burned out rapidly from declining farm prices, high tariffs on items they need to purchase, and foreign competition. Farmers also faced overproduction when their products in the market drove the price lower and lower. Farmers were paying inflated prices but not receiving money. Gold v Silver as basis of U.S currency poured real difficulties for farmers. In 1890 several organizations made a national alliance that had 2.5 million members participating 1.5 million individuals were white and 1 million were black. All these organizations wanted regulation of railroad prices and the creation of an inflationary national monetary policy. Wanted a sub treasury plan, plan that the federal government would store famers crops in government warehouses for a period of time and provide loans to farmers worth 80% of current crop prices. The plan would also give government officials control over railroads, end bank system, creation of federal income tax, direct elections of U.S senators, more proactive government that would support economic and social welfare of all Americans. (US History 1700 …show more content…

The citizens would elect city councilors who would pass laws and handle all legislative issues. The greatest advocate of the Progressive movement was a governor Robert LaFollete. LaFollette introduced the “Wilson Idea,” he hired experts to improve drafting legislation to improve conditions in his state. The governor signed into law the first workman’s compensation system, approved minimum wage law, developed a Progressive tax law, adopted direct election of senators before the it was implemented in the constitution, and advocated women’s suffrage. LaFollette served as a U.S senator from Wisconsin from 1906-1925. (US History 1700

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