The Process And Process Of The Public Procurement Process

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Public procurement is the process in which government administration defines their purchases, collects bids, award contracts and take into account the implementation of all steps in accordance with applicable law. Through this process government outsource resources in the form of goods or services on state and local level (government or public utility services administrative authorities, public institutions, schools, hospitals etc.).
Despite the fact that fundamentally the public procurement process is straight forward, it actually can be seen as multidimensional phenomenon. It can be observed as:
a) Administrative Process. This is complex process composed of several steps: identification of requirement for each institution through planning …show more content…

Public procurement also has an important impact on micro and macroeconomic aspects of the national economy and public finances. Proper public procurement system provides important end results, such as: a) ‘better value for money’ for the contracting authorities who thus create a climate of greater volume and better quality public services, b) a healthier public finances, which contributes to the quality of public provision of financial services, c) promotion of the preconditions for economic growth through the creation of a competitive public procurement markets and d) improvement of accountability for the use of public funds in particular through the promotion of the ability of contracting authorities for the quality implementation public procurement procedures (Mujevic, 2012, pp. …show more content…

The use of (ICTs) and the digitization leads to the transformation of processes in the state and its economy. In light of the new features, the communication process has become much easier and faster. Digitalization of communication channels has enabled a significant improvement in efficiency in many areas. Public administration have long recognized the many advantages of this process and initiated the implementation of electronic innovation in their work. Csaki and Adam (2012, pp. 17-40) pointed out that it should have in mind that the successful implementation of e-governance implies overcoming the strategic, socio - cultural, organizational / bureaucratic and, of course, technical

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