The Problem of Overpopulation

521 Words2 Pages

The world is becoming an overly crowded place. The population of the world has doubled in the last 40 years; in 1999, we welcomed the 6 billionth resident of Earth. In 1960, there were only 3 billion living human beings and prior to that the first time the human population eclipsed 1 billion people was in 1804! Even still, the largest youth population the world has ever seen is just entering its reproductive years. One billion teenagers will begin reproducing and it is estimated within 50 years Earth's population will reach 10 billion. Overpopulation is an issue that affects us all and the population surge on our planet is tremendous. It poses danger to not only we as humans, but to the world around us. The worst part of all this is that there is no one cure, no panacea. A worldly effort will be needed to cure Earth's population problem. However, one proposed solution to help ease the population growth is to introduce family planning in areas of tremendous growth. The hope of this is to reduce the amount of unwanted pregnancies, which account for 1/3 of the population growth. (Wright...

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