The Presidio: A Personal Narrative Of My Life

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I’ve been living there almost my whole life, the Presidio, that is. I did used to live in Berkeley, though I can’t quite remember what it was like. I’m used to the Presidio, the fresh air, the beautiful landscapes and all of that. Though there will most definitely be aspects of the Presidio that I will not miss! For instance: the little to no amount of customization you can do to your house, the occasional loud smelly garbage truck parking right outside your window, the gutter strategically placed right next to the car door so you’re likely to lose your keys for good if you drop them, the odd field of hay growing across the street, the raccoons living in a bush right outside our garage, and most of all: the coyotes who eat everyone’s family pets. Aside from that there are nice flowers in the hay across the street, and there are beautiful owls and hawks that will fly by every once in awhile. So it isn’t completely bad. …show more content…

I am leaving next year… I’ve been here so long and I feel as though it will hard to adjust; though there is a lot to look forward to… I may move to Marin if I go to school there. I will miss the Presidio, most everything about it. I’m going to miss San Francisco as well, the cold weather and foggy skies mostly. My brother has been making a commute to Marin for three years now; he goes to Marin Catholic. A kid down the street, our neighbor Wesley also goes to Marin Catholic. From what I hear, Marin is quite different from San Francisco, the weather is warm and the sky is clear; also I have heard the food is quite

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