The Pregnancy Project By Gaby Rodriguez

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The Pregnancy Project The author of this book is 21 year old Gaby Rodriguez. She came up with the idea for this project because she was told repeatedly by her brothers and sisters that she would end up getting pregnant as a teen just like all of them. I believe that the purpose of this project and subsequently the book, was to show that you do not have to live your life on the basis of stereotypes. It does not and should not matter what anyone says about you, you are the master of your life and nothing anyone says about you should change what you believe about yourself, or what you want to do with your life. I love this book, and the Lifetime movie was great too. I have known too many young girls who have gotten pregnant, and it does …show more content…

The main social problem addressed in this book is stereotypes and how to address them. More specifically it was about the stereotypes about teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy has become an epidemic in the U.S., and shows like Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant aren’t helping. They tend to glamourize pregnancy and make it “fun” to be a mom. Gaby came up with the idea of this project because her brothers and sisters kept telling her that she would get pregnant and have to quit school just like they or their girlfriends did, and that there was no way around it because that was just the way it was in their family. Gaby is a straight A student with college ambitions. She is required to do a senior project and she decides that she wants to do something that is meaningful to her and that will make an impact on others. She decides after much thought that this is the perfect subject for her project. Some of the stereotypes of teen pregnancy are that the teen’s life is over, that she will never be able to finish school, that everyone in her family got pregnant as a teen and she will too, that her boyfriend will leave her and she will be alone, and many others. The whole idea behind this project was to show people that they …show more content…

This book is about labels, and fighting those labels. How can someone succeed in life if they are constantly being berated and made to feel worthless? Social interaction focuses on individual interactions between people and problems occur when we attach labels to various issues. In class we have talked a lot about labels and the impact they can have on a person. Labeling people can lower self-esteem and make a person feel worthless. This project wasn’t just about the stereotypes relating to teen pregnancy. It was also about the rumors people spread and about the statistics related to stereotypes. One of the videos Gaby showed during her presentation showed children being whispered about and left out. It also gave some possible consequences of stereotypes and rumors, such as depression, drug use, stress, violence, and even death. About 2 million adolescents attempt suicide every year, and about 700,000 die. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in persons age 15-24. There needs to be further education about what stereotyping and labeling does to children and teens and the impact it has in their lives. This book supports everything we have learned in our Minority Studies class about labels and the effect it can have on a person. When someone is told often enough that they are a worthless person, or a loser, or some other derogatory term they tend to believe it themselves, especially

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