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Summary of geothermal energy
Summary of geothermal energy
Literature review on biomass as renewable energy
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In the last three years alone, the advancements made in green technology have been massive. Already there are examples of green technology that have been made readily available to residential consumers at affordable rates with realistic reimbursements through reduced billing amounts, tax breaks, and increased efficiencies. The science of green technology continues to grow however, with more environmentally friendly and efficient methods of accomplishing everyday tasks on residential, commercial, and industrial levels. The green energy technologies that are shaping tomorrow are the concepts of various green energies, dynamic green buildings, and the breakthroughs in nanotechnology.
There have been countless forms of green renewable energy advancements in the last decade, ranging from biomass energy to geothermal energy. Through biomass research, technologies have been developed to convert biomass—pant matter such as trees, grasses, agricultural residue, algae, and other biological material—to fuels. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory claims that “These biofuels will reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil, improve our air quality, and support rural economies.”, although realistic implementation of this technology has yet to been uncovered (Science & Technology).
Another source of energy yielded from the earth is geothermal. Geothermal has various applications, all using the natural heat emitted from the earth that lies beneath the surface. “We use the geothermal reservoirs of hot water and steam to generate electricity and for direct applications, including aquaculture, crop drying, and district heating. We also use the constant temperature that exists at very shallow depths for heating and cooling buildings with th...
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“Applied Physics of Solar Energy Conversion.” Rpi.edu. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2010.
Web. 12 March 2011.
“Third Generation Photovoltaics.” Pv.unsw.edu.au. University of New South Wales,
12 March 2011. Web. 12 March 2011.
"5 Things to Know About a Geothermal Heat Pump." The Family Handyman. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014
Cushman, Lynd, Nichols, Wyman. “Fuel Ethanol from Cellulosic Biomass.” Science. March 1991. Vol 251 (4999):1321
Turn, S.Q., V. Keffer, and M. Staackmann. 2002. "Analysis of Hawaii Biomass Energy Resources for Distributed Energy Applications." Honolulu: Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii:21.
In order to full under stand geothermal heating and cooling you first need to understand what geothermal energy is. Geothermal energy is a form of energy conversion that is provided by nature and that can be used by humans to cook, bath, heating and generate electric power. The energy is created by capturing and harnessing the heat energy. This heat is formed underground and is created by the radioactive decay of certain elements such as potassium, thorium, and uranium in Earth. One way to produce energy from geothermal heat is to use the heat to create steam to drive turbines that spin an electric generator, this method and others like it can create about 1,400,000 terawatt-years roughly three times the world’s annual consumption(Lund 2014).
Preview: Today I will discuss the potential that solar power has to become this country’s main supply of energy and the latest research that can make solar power more efficient and cost effective. I will also present the environmental benefits that come with using solar power over other and more harmful forms of energy.
One form of alternative energy is called geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is thermal energy that is created and stored beneath earth’s crust. The most recognizable form of geothermal to most people would be in the form of a hot spring. Heat from Earth’s core heats rock and water differently; some spots can reach up to 700 degrees, whereas some receive not much heat at all. Steam from the water that receives the most heat is trapped in porous rocks underground. This is called a geothermal reservoir. Geothermal energy is very useful because it is renewable, and limitless. Heat continuously flows from the earth’s core, and continues to heat the water and produce steam. Geothermal is also useful because it is 80 percent cheaper than fossil fuels, and it requires no fuel. In fact, the use of geothermal energy decreases the independence on fossil fuels greatly. Geothermal energy does not produce pollution and could potentially save millions of dollars per year if used to replace fossil
The amount of heat and quantity is very high to produce geothermal energy; even though it is a very good source of energy there are downfalls. Geothermal is not a widespread source of energy. Because it isn’t a common source of energy, there is a lack of equipment, employees, and infrastructure to develop this type of energy. Along with this ...
Most of the geothermal heat does not bubble out as magma, water of steam, but instead, it is stored in the mantle, collecting as pockets of heat. By drilling and pumping down water to create steam, this energy can be harnessed.
During the 21st century our country and our planet as a whole is in energy crisis. We have used too many oils and fossil fuel that our non-renewable resources are running out. Oil is limited and is at outrageous prices, this result is making our economy suffering. With fossil fuel and oil as the main source of energy the people of this planet need to start looking for an alternative energy source because our fossil fuel will not last forever and fossil fuel also polluted our planet. This is where a renewable energy comes in. I will start talking about one of the oldest renewable energy know to man, one of the many renewable energy we have today are Geothermal Energy. Geothermal energy is one of the many different ways we can preserve our fossil fuel. It is one of the oldest energy resources out there. During the ancient time, the people back then uses geothermal energy in form of hot water from the nearby hot springs. They used the hot water, to bathe, heat their home and also produce electricity. The first industrial uses for geothermal energy occur near Italy in the 18th century, according to (Geothermal Energy History, 2014). In 1904, Italian scientist Piero Ginori Conti invented the first geothermal electric power plant in which steam was used to generate the power, according (Geothermal Energy History, 2014). Geothermal Energy is also better for the environment because it does not involve burning and polluting our ozone layer. You may ask what is geothermal energy? The definition of geothermal energy derived from its name. Geo means earth and thermal means heat, so geothermal is earth’s natural heat. Geothermal energy uses the earth heat and by adding rain, you have created steam. The steams are then creating heat and electri...
The race for a sustainable efficient power source has been an ongoing problem for the world. Global users are now waking up to the facts that these will not sustain us forever as they have made a large human footprint upon the earth that we so desperately depend on. This race has resulted in a very positive effect on the global pursuit of greener more sustainable energy and has helped in developing new technologies. These technologies range from wind powered turbines, solar paneled power stations and harnessing and using the heat from the molten layer of rock below the surface called geo thermal energy. This article is going to be focusing on the renewable natural energy of geo thermal, from the history to what is geothermal energy, and even what the advantages and disadvantages are.
Nowadays, people around the world are demanding for more sustainable energy source other conventional fuels such as coal, natural gas and fossil fuel for their daily activities. However, conventional fuels are categorized into a non-renewable energy source. Thus, to overcome this problem, an alternative fuel called as biofuel is used to substitute the conventional fuels. Moreover, biofuel can grow in interest in many developing countries by using “modern” use of biomass to produce the clean liquid fuels. The uses of biomass as a biofuel feedstock may offer new employment prospects for people that stay in that region. The biomass that commonly been used in biofuel is called as algae biofuel or oilgae, in which the oil that does not consist of toxic or sulfur contents in it (Demirbas and Fatih Demirbas, 2011).
Over the past decades, geologists and scientists alike have determined that the Earth is running out of non-renewable resources, particularly those resources that provide us with energy that fuels our world’s economies, jobs, and most importantly our daily lives. Without this energy, whole countries can collapse, and the human race would struggle to survive. Therefore, it is safe to assume that we as a nation are entirely dependent on energy, or the ability to do work (Gale Science in Context). Consequently, we are now actively searching for more cost efficient and useful forms of energy to replace those we currently use. By doing this we will be helping the earth by reducing carbon emissions and cutting down on air and water pollutants. This may ultimately prolong the life of our planet, and save money and resources while doing so.
The Green movement began in the Western World during the 1970’s around the time of the Vietnam War. The green movement is a social movement regarding concerns for environmental conservation and improvements to the current health of the environment. The Green movement also promotes the conservation, restoration, and the overall improvement of our environment. Many people disagree with the green movement and its values because they don’t see the immediate benefits from them. However, supporting the green movement by recycling, researching alternative energy sources, and mandating eco-friendly laws will lead to a better, greener, country.
Geothermal energy is energy from Earth’s heat. Geothermal energy has some advantages over other types of energy. One is that it is available over 90% of the time compared to coal plants only getting 75%. That means that while many power plants, like solar plants and wind turbines, and even coal plants can’t be producing energy anywhere near all of the time, geothermal energy plants can be working nearly all of the time. Recently, scientists drilling into the Krafla volcano in Ireland, led by Gumunder Omar Friedleifsson accidentally discovered that magma can be a useful way to get geothermal energy. This happened when the scientists found magma 7,000 feet into the earth. They soon realized that the water heating the drill they were using, and the extremely hot magma made a superheated steam tha could be chemically altered to power a turbine. After the discovery, scientists estimated that geothermal energy from magma could produce 25 MW of power, which is 5 times more than current geothermal energy wells makeInterestingly enough, this more powerful energy would also be cheaper, because conventional geothermal energy needs expensive perforated piping down the entire hole, while geothermal energy from magma would only need it for about 100 meters. Also, unlike fossil fuels, another cheap energy source, geothermal energy is renewable, and it does not harm the environment a lot. This one accidental discovery the scient...
Geothermal power plants are a great resource to use in regions where there is naturally occurring heat from the earth. When considering what is environmentally cleaner or safer for the atmosphere and for human well-being, geothermal has proven worthy to countries and different regions throughout the globe. If there is a willingness to pay an expensive price and drill extreme distances to provide geothermal energy, there can be many benefits. Though the benefits may be a positive influence and environmentally safe, large amounts of land can be consumed and taken up permanently. Countries around the world continue to evaluate and decide the effectiveness geothermal plants have on the environment and towards the people.