The Popularity of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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The Popularity of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

The play of "Romeo and Juliet" was written in 1594-1595. Many people

think of "Romeo and Juliet" as a great love story but in fact it is a

tragedy. There are also bits of comedy to keep the audience

interested, because too much heightened emotion may start to bore the

audience, so Shakespeare plays with his audience's emotions by making

them laugh then having a tragedy scene next. Shakespeare wrote about a

family feud that was going on at the time in England, also the story

of "Romeo and Juliet" was based on a poem written in 1562, he did this

because he knew it would interest people more because it related to

real life.

The play is set in Verona, a city in Italy and also partly in Mantua,

this is where is banished to. Many of Shakespeare's plays were set in

foreign countries. He did this because he knew it would appeal to a

bigger audience.

This play starts with a prologue, where the story is told to the

audience. A chorus speaks the prologue he is like a narrator. The

structure of the story is five acts and two prologues, at the start of

act one and act two.

There is no suspense because of the prologues; it tells us the whole

story. He wanted the story line to be more important than the

suspense. He wanted the audience to concentrate on the characters and


Another reason why Shakespeare remains popular is the different themes

he adds into his plays, they involve fate, death, family and love.

Fate keeps people interested through techniques like visions when

Juliet says

"Me thinks I see thee, now thou art below,

As one dead in the bottom of a tomb". Here she is having a premonition

of Romeos death. We later find out her vision becomes true and she

does see him dead in a tomb. Fate also includes. Was it fate that

prevented friar John from getting out of Mantua because of the plague?

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