The Pomegranate Tree In The Kite Runner

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In The Kite Runner, Amir and Hassan have a unique friendship. To the outside perspective Hassan and Amir appear as best friends, possibly even brothers. But, the only thing that separates them concerns the fact that Hassan is Hazara. Regardless of this, Hassan and Amir put their differences aside and still have an inseparable bond. An important aspect of Amir and Hassan’s friendship involves the pomegranate tree which grows near Baba and Amir’s house. The pomegranate tree symbolizes Amir and Hassan’s connection due to the multiple plot changing events that occur here The pomegranate tree represents a very important symbol in the novel that supports many aspects of Hassan and Amir’s relationship. Amir and Hassan became close friends, and created their special connection in the novel at …show more content…

At the pomegranate tree they would enjoy eating fruit, climbing the tree, reading books, as well as engaging in other playful activities. This would eventually lead to carving into the tree, “Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul” (Hosseini 27). This action represented the boys formally claiming the tree and making it their own. Unfortunately, as events take a turn for the worse, the happiness and innocence associated with the tree diminish. Stunned and distraught after Hassan is raped, the boys return to the tree, being it serves as their place of comfort.. The previous feelings associated with the tree vanish due to Amir’s actions during the rape. Amir, who feels angry and frustrated, throws pomegranates at Hassan, in an attempt to get a reaction out of him. Amir cannot handle the guilt from Hassan’s rape and wants to receive retaliation from Hassan for his own selfish reasons. After this tragic event, Hassan and Amir’s childhood bond comes to an end. This visit is

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